Jan 25,2025 Annual Meeting and Election of Officers
Minutes and Treasures Report are available to current members please contact Secretary or Treasurer.
Jan 27,2024 Annual Meeting
Meeting called to order by Joel Nickles at 10:05 am at the meeting room Beach Club Hideaway with 48 present. Issues with Zoom did not allow it to happen as planned.
Motion made to dispense with reading January 14,2023 minutes with all in favor.
Year in review given by Joel with discussion about projects such as the new extra beach trash can ,2 new mutt stations, new signs, bike racks now usable ,posts installed and painted with new rope and lights installed on entrance sign.
Treasurer report given by Renee Nichols Treasurer with questions asked and explanation of each line given . Motion to accept and approved and proposed budget 2024 attached to treasurers report with questions answered.
Old Business
Renee gave report of current status of proposed floodwater drainage project by Baldwin County with discussion and questions answered. Joel discussed current situation with boardwalk project and where that stands currently with Fish and Wildlifw reqquesting all property owners must give their approval before it will be signed off to start. At this time approx 160 have given written permission . Each property member encouraged to sign and sheets made available. Request was made to have diagram of proposed boardwalk put on website ,which Renee will take care of.
Thanks to Janet Myers , who set up new website in honor of her grandparents ,who were longtime owners in Surfside. Janet has helped Renee multiple times at no cost to the Property Owners .
New business:
Nominating slate presented by Joel Nickles and approved with no nominations from floor. Motion made to accept and vote on following candidates:
Tony Pappas President Fulltime resident Gulfway Drive
Yvonne Meek Vice President Fulltime Driftwood Drive, Brenda Easterling Secretary fulltime Surfside Drive , Renee Nichols Treasurer fulltime Driftwood Drive.
Vote taken by show of hand motion made to accept new officers.
At this time Joel Nickles outgoing President, turned over meeting podium to new President Tony Pappas who talked about his career and family and then each new officer were introduced .
Meeting dismissed with all in favor.
Minutes submitted by Renee Nichols
Jan 14,2023 Annual Meeting
Meeting called to order by Joel Nickles at 10:30 am at the meeting room Beach Club Hideaway with 23 Zoom participants and 39 members present.
Motion made by Judy Newcomb to dispense with reading of last meeting minutes from May 2022 motion seconded and all in favor. Motion Passed.
Treasurer report presented by Renee Nichols. Motion to accept by Judy and seconded by Debbie Harper. All in favor. Motion Passed.
Joel spoke on the year in review then welcomed Tate Chalfant and Blakley Hall from Baldwin County Department. Report given by Tate about proposed storm water drainage project. Questions asked and discussion followed. Blakley Hall is Right-of Way Tech on the proposed project and can be contacted at 251-972-8543.
Old Business
Joel discussed ongoing beach access boardwalk and retention wall project and passed out updated diagram by Leah Cosgrove . Leah discussed plan with questions answered. Ft. Morgan Services is currently waiting on meeting with Fish and Wildlife Bill Lynn to obtain input /approval to move forward.
New business:
Joel discussed ongoing process to secure liabilty insurance for boardwalk /retention wall project and D & O coverage for board members .
Beach trash can possible addition of another and/or more weekly service.
Due to issues with current website, Mel Middlebrook who has handled this for last 6 years has asked the board to look at alternatives. Volunteers needed to develop new website. several people volunteered.
Upcoming workday in neighborhood to be announced by Joel soon.
Nominating committee nominated all current officers to continue to serve with no opposition noted and no nomination from floor. All in favor.
Directors addition of 1 non-resident director Anthony Metz by Joel. Motion made by Karen Bishop to accept all nominations seconded by Polly Nickles. Vote taken all in favor.
Renee encouraged property owners to pay dues as soon as possible and discussed the use of the funds and need for all to get involved.
Motion made by Joel to close meeting
Meeting adjourned with all in favor.